Princess Diana of Wales
Born into royalty, Princess Diana was most definitely a member of the royal family who was able to become a worldwide icon, bringing the issue of AIDS awareness and treatment to the forefront. Married to Prince Charles of Wales with two sons, Diana’s life seemed great. However, on August 31, Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed, her rumored boyfriend, were killed in a crash after the car they were in slammed into a road tunnel in Paris. The driver was told to take that route to avoid paparazzi. Not only do people conspire about her death, some believing it was a plot by the M16 acting on orders from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, but others believe she isn’t dead at all. Pictures have floated around of a suspected Diana in a wheelchair who is said to be pregnant with Al-Fayed’s child. However, with over 2.5 million people viewing the funeral, most believe she is dead.
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